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Letra de Adam Again - Harsh

Letra de Adam Again - Harsh
so what is it about me
hey, what am i supposed to say?
you could make my day or
you could make a picture of
the times we had
you might get sad
you might get rich someday
if you do i might get mad.
remembering that month i spent
you said you were my only friend.
but now be a dear and leave me alone
don't come by or call up my phone
and if there is somewhere that you need to be
don't make it here with me.
don't try to clean the carpet stain
you don't have to close that creaky gate
you'll get alone just fine
you might even make a song
or find someone to hang those troubles on
on and on in my memory
hey, wait, you're fading out
about the way you faded in
remind me of your name again.
and then be a dear and leave me alone
don't come by or call up my phone
if there's somewhere that you have to be
don't worry about me.
remind me of your name again
but now be a dear and leave me alone
don't come by or call up my phone
and if there is somewhere that you need to be
try not being here with me
i wish that i knew you when i was
a patient sort of guy
but you're fading
you might be someone that i used to know


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© 2010 Adam Again - Harsh - Musica - Video - Letra
© 2010 letrasdesupresencia.com
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-En ningún caso esta página apoya la piratería, es más, la rechaza frontalmente.
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