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Letra de Across The Sky - Shooting Star

Letra de Across The Sky - Shooting Star
when i walk
a thousand miles from home
and when i've lost
all i used to know
it seems that i've got nothing left
i find that i'm undone
you are here to break me
and you've only just begun
with open arms
you came running so far
to show who you are and who i am
only you can change a heart
like a shooting star
you soar through the darkest of nights
to catch my eyes and guide me to the father's arms
when i wonder
where you're leading me
with no direction
walking aimlessly
still you're ever faithful
still you're ever strong
now i can call you father
you're calling me back home
with open arms
you came running so far
to show who you are and who i am
only you can change a heart
like a shooting star
you soar through the darkest of nights
to catch my eyes and guide me to the father's arms
you're arms they're always wrapped around me
you're arms they'll never cease to hold me
hold me
with open arms
you came running so far
to show who you are and who i am
only you can change a heart
like a shooting star
you soar through the darkest of nights
with open arms
you came running so far
to show who you are and who i am
only you can change a heart
like a shooting star
you soar through the darkest of nights
to catch my eyes and guide me to the father's arms


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© 2010 Across The Sky - Shooting Star - Musica - Video - Letra
© 2010 letrasdesupresencia.com
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