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Letra de Acceptance - This Conversation is Over

Letra de Acceptance - This Conversation is Over
i never thought i'd be the one to fool you,
if i told you now it would be over (it's over),
to steal all we had,
be a part of all i've been without
all i've been without

we stop waiting or i start going home
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow
take this call as a hint we're moving on
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow

i never got a single thing that i wanted
i never got a single thing that i wanted
i never spoke a single word that you told me
i never spoke a single word that you told me
you told me

we stop waiting or i start going home
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow
take this call as a hint we're moving on
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow

this conversation,
information that you wanted me to share
but i didn't want to be there
so i'll grant you one wish that won't come true

we stop waiting (we stop waiting, take this call)
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow
we're leaving you, we're leaving
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow
we stop waiting or i start going home
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow
take this call as a hint we're moving on
you don't have to follow
you don't have to follow


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© 2010 Acceptance - This Conversation is Over - Musica - Video - Letra
© 2010 letrasdesupresencia.com
Esta Web no apoya la pirateria ni viola los derechos de autor. Todo el material expuesto aqui es de modo promocional. Toda la música y videos de esta web han sido exclusivamente sacados de sitios publicos de Internet, por lo que este material es considerado de libre distribución. En ningún articulo legal se menciona la prohibición de material libre por lo que esta página no inflinge en ningún caso la ley.
-Las musicas expuestas en esta web son de muy baja calidad que solo se expone como muestra solamente.
-Este sitio no viola los derechos de autor "copyright" pero si los apoyamos.
-En ningún caso esta página apoya la piratería, es más, la rechaza frontalmente.
-Si te gusta la música no dudes en comprarte el CD original.