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Letra de Acceptance - Things You Say

Letra de Acceptance - Things You Say
it's so hard to believe in things that you cant see yourself
see yourself
behind the scene lies more than you can understand yourself
stand yourself
now they tell you what you want to hear
but when they're done will you still live in fear?
and everything you said to me put me on my knees
i can't believe a thing you say
i can't believe a thing you say
you're told that selfishness will guide your path
what will you do when that just doesn't last?
and everything you said to me put me on my knees
it's so hard to believe in you
i'm not quite clear what i should do
and now i know that you're the only one
but do they know that you're the only one
and i can't believe a thing you say
i can't believe a thing you say
it's so hard to believe in things that you can't see...


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© 2010 Acceptance - Things You Say - Musica - Video - Letra
© 2010 letrasdesupresencia.com
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