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Letra de Acceptance - The Letter

Letra de Acceptance - The Letter
i take it all to heart
don't point the finger
choose the winner
hold your own
it's never been arranged
who's the liar
i'm the coward
the letter read like this...
of all the sinners i've walked before

i can't deny
somehow you're seeing it
so you're the one who took the fall
and it's bringing us together
don't ask me why
somehow i'm seeing it
and i'm breaking after all
this could last forever

the choice has always been
to take advantage
ride it to the top
still i'm caught again
i see this coming
see this coming true
of all the sinners i walk before

i can't deny
somehow you're seeing it
so you're the one who took the fall
and it's bringing us together
don't ask me why
somehow i'm seeing it
and i'm breaking after all
this could last forever

we'll see if i start coming clean
you'll see that i'm still missing

i can't deny
somehow you're seeing it
so you're the one who took the fall
and it's bringing us together
don't ask me why
somehow i'm seeing it
i'm breaking after all
this could last forever


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© 2010 Acceptance - The Letter - Musica - Video - Letra
© 2010 letrasdesupresencia.com
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